Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Holiday And Hopes for 2014

 1. I will forever remember how my aunt broke my toilet and shower.
2. My resolutions are just passing my classes and being a better person and have more fun.
3.  Im looking forward to summer 2014.

Year In Review: 2013 (Your Favorites)

1. To me there wasn't a best song because most of them were just talking about sexual things with no meaning at all, there was some good songs from country artist some hip hop artist but overall most of the song were plain out horrible and perverted.
 2.  2013 did have many great movies but i really loved Instructions Not Included by Eugenio Dervez because its amazing someone who is latin is making an amazing movie. It makes you laugh and cry its an amazing movie and the actors are great. It shows the great love a father has for his daughter after her mother left her, its the most amazing movie I've seen i personally loved it.
3. One of the most  important news of 2013 to me was the Boston Marathon Bombing. Its important because I've been to boston and it seems very peaceful and also i don't think its okay for many people to die or be hurt because of some coward. 
4. From those people id say Jennifer Lawrence, i love the way she acts and i also love how she is against going on diets. I also love how she said she wouldn't want teen girls to say they want to look like her and starves themselves and how she's very joyful and is against photos hoping herself and making herself seems like whats she's not. 
5.  The most entertaining story was Miley cyrus And Robin Thicke at the MTV VMA's. Its was hilarious to watch because the reactions of the audience was funny and also watching her "twerk" was hilarious as well. They also judged her a lot from her behind, which was pretty hilarious to me.

Year In Review: Best Photos Of 2013

This is one of my favorite photos and its called First Flight By This is one of my favorite pictures because it looks adorable in my eyes. Im also amazed by the baby birds flying, I've never really seen a baby bird flying.

This photograph is called "Thats what friends are for". Its one of my favorites because it makes me happy kids are getting along like that. I also like how the bigger kid is holding the leaf and sort of like protecting the smaller kid.
This is one of my favorite pictures and its called " Sunrise In Santorini". This is one of my favorites because it looks so peaceful. It looks relaxing and just amazing, exactly what I'm looking for. 

Friday, January 17, 2014

My Favorite Cover

My Favorite Cover:
My favorite cover is the New York cover done in November 12, 2013 called "The City And The Storm". This picture was taken after the Sandy Hurricane hit on Wednesday, even though Hurricane Sandy damaged New york and wasn't good this pictures gets ones attention. This also has the leading lines going vertically. This cover also has like a plain background, the top part is just black cloud and the bottom is just plain black so theres no distractions. It also includes the bar code at the bottom left right conner. The magazine also has the masthead, New York. The magazine also includes a cover line which is just bellow the masthead. 

Magazine Essential Parts

Masthead- The logo and its very recognizable and unique.

Dateline- The month and year, sometimes the price as well.

Main Image- Stands out on news stands and makes eye contact.

Model Credit- When the magazine complements the model in the picture, its usually done in contents pages.

Coverlines- The tittle and subtitles on the models skin or on the magazine.

Main Cover Line-  Its 3 layers with different colors, shows up clearly and its almost a quarter of the magazine.

Left Third- Its not full frontage but they're recognizable.

Bar Code- Code used by retailers.

Selling Line: Short and sharp description of the main marketing point.

Photography Major Assignment

Monday, January 13, 2014

Fixed Portrait

ISO: 800
ISO: 100
 ISO: 1600

1. The best ISO setting for us was 800.
2. The second best photo was the 3200 photo.
3. Yes.
4. Which ISO to use and finding a good background and setting the camera correctly.